Monday, August 24, 2015

Collage Art

Instagram: fidyzahra
Good Monday! I'm so excited to tell you all about my new discovery. Some of you might think that it's a so-so discovery or some of you have discovered it way before me, but yup. I've started to like Collage Art. I mean I've always loved to cut magazines and attach them back together and create a new concept or a new shape, but I didn't know that "Collage Artist" existed. I've made some collages before, but I don't think I've ever shared it before, I might have, but I'm not sure. These collages above are collages that I made on Sunday morning. 

I actually found out about this Collage Artist thing from this instagram @the.daily.splice that belongs to Adam Hale, a collage artist. I even commented on his instagram, telling him how inspired I was when I found his instagram. 

instagram: the.daily.splice
The different hing about this kind of art is, I mean, I've always loved to draw and design something, no, wait. I've always loved to draw, but no, I don't have advanced drawing skills, but I feel like this kind of art actually called my name, like a revelation. It said, "Fidy, this is what you love to do, enjoy!" CLICHE. but still, yup. this is what I love to do and what I'm actually good at. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Define me

"Insecurity." That's what  my friend, Rubina, told me when I started to blabber about the beauty of these women I know. I've been watching Buzzfeed videos about beauty. The problem is the definition of beauty changes, depending on the era. Another problem is that, beauty is not one point of view. You have to look at the hair, the eyes, the nose, the skin, the lips, the height, the weight, even the bones. Say that there's one definition of beauty, created by a society. And then another society from a far away nation made one, and so did the other societies living in this planet. So how can we ever define beauty, when taste, opinion, eyes, are seeing different things everyday? How can we ever define beauty when it's changing?

No, I'm not going to be miserable, talking about inner-beauty, how people feel awesome being nice and proud being ugly.

This is the video that shows how women's Ideal body types evolve. Even what you call "fatass" these days, was once beauty queen in 1400 - 1700 C. Yup. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

"Once upon a time, nobody gave a fuck."
 - Tumblr

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

"Money's the cheapest thing, liberty freedom is most expensive."
 - Bill Cunningham


Sometimes, when you're lost, you don't need a map to find another way out, you just need a few steps backward to remember where you were and where you were going to. I've lied to myself so many times, avoiding what I've really wanted, I've listened to the wrong people, and I couldn't help blaming myself. I've always been worried about being left behind, so I kept pleasing people, making them stay with me as long as possible. I've been denying what I had been capable of all this time, and a few days ago, I started to remember.

It was either Monday or Thursday, they were announcing this poem-reading competition, and his writing touched me. It was like I was being touched by destiny, it was like the universe had built me a path, to somewhere far yet somewhere so good. And after 4 years being so infatuated, people made me deny what I've loved since 4 years ago. And I kept on changing.

A few days ago, this extraordinary boredom made me realize something, "Hey, you aren't happy. You're running out of yourself."
All this time, I've been trying to play the perfect role as a part of this crazy society. I've been doing diets, going somewhere cool to show off my "cool" hang out places, dress so awkwardly fashionable, what for? Nothing. Simply, nothing. 

And from this very distant place, I found her again, that girl in red skirt and white shirt, she was practicing her reading, being so scared yet brave. And just, so blessed.

Daun dan Gravitasi

Terkadang aku berpikri bahwa, inti dari kehidupan adalah gravitasi. Elektron dari jantung kami masing-masing bertemu, bergerak karena singularitas yang gravitasional. Bagai daun yang berjumpa dengan ajal, aku menggugur, tidak jatuh ke tanah, namun menggugur, bersama elektorn-elektron, mendekati nukleus yang kau miliki, dan proton menyambut elektronku, dan kami berdua, sesaat, begitu saja, jatuh cinta. Elektron akan terus berpindah, mencari tempat yang lebih banyak menampungnya. Lalu saat atomku tidak dapat menampungmu lagi, jangan lupa, jangan salahkan aku, kita bertemu, dipertemukan gravitasi. Gravitasi itu sendiri memiliki singularitas yang berada dalam gravitasi lainnya yang membuat kita semua bergerak secara sangat otomatis. Jadi, kita tidak perlu menyesal. 
Delapan bulan yang menyenangkan, aku tunggu bulan-bulan berikutnya.