Friday, March 27, 2015

Kembali lagi,

Saat itu aku sedang menghabiskan waktu kosong di kampus, duduk sejajar dengan manusia-manusia seni. Seni visual. Kemudian, dia memaksa untuk memperlihatkan tulisanku kepada pakar seni visual itu. Aku menolak pada walnya, karena aku menggunakan banyak kata "ngentot" belakangan ini. Tetapi tetap juga dia perlihatkan. Pakar seni itu berkata, "Kau tahu? Aku melihat Iwan Simatupang dalam tulisanmu."

Kembali lagi pada dua tahun lalu. 
Di mana guruh aneh itu menyuruhku untuk membaca salah satu buku terbaik yang pernah aku baca, "Ziarah", karya Tuan Simatupang itu.

Kembali lagi pada bagian,
"Tokoh kita, seorang pelukis yang terkenal, yang lukisannya memikat banyak orang, Beliau bingung akan diapakan kekayaannya, memutuskan untuk bunuh diri dengan melompat dari sebuah bangunan. Ketika tokoh kita melompat, ia menimpa seorang gadis cantik. Kemudian dia jatuh cinta dengan gadis tersebut, dan menyetubuhinya di tengah jalan itu. Orang-orang histeris melihat tingkah lakunya, kemudian pelukis dan gadis ini dibawa ke kantor sipil untuk dinikahkan."

Kembali lagi pada hari itu,
Di mana aku menceritakan pada Aziz, bagian cerita tersebut. Aziz mengatakan, mungkin maksud Tuan Simatupang tidak sekedar menunjukan keabsurdan, tetapi mungkin tragedi itu memiliki falsafah tersendiri.



Some people have suggested me to create an instagram account. So I decided to join Instagram at last. I don't know why I'm promoting my account here. Maybe it's for the sake of posting something as I've been running out of things to write about. Sekalian follow, makasih. Bye.

Sunday, March 22, 2015






Apa yang kau lakukan,

Siapa yang melakukan?
Siapa yang menyakiti?

"Sudahlah, aku tak mengerti cakap kau!"
Ah, bangsat.


Has the grey cloud found its way to the surface, or is it just the usual fog I see in the cold?
Have I found the way out, mother? Or Have I just once again stayed?
I'm sorry. I've been a sad person recently. I found something really bad to do but I've been forced to. Say the oxygen is toxic but you still need it. I've been asking helps, from an old friend, telling them that I thought I might be in trouble. They kept blabbering about how careless people would be and I should stop worrying about it, and that everything would be as normal as it seems. I have feelings and I have instincts. Stop worrying about my intelligence. I've got it in abundance. 
Have I found my way out, mother? Or have I let them in?

Friday, March 13, 2015

Java Jazz 2015

This is a picture of whom I worked with during Java Jazz 2015. I applied as a volunteer in promotion division, and they accepted me! YAY. One day not too long ago, I was creating a CV and I was thinking maybe I should apply to Java Jazz. I mean I've always wanted to be a volunteer in Java Jazz, so I did apply, and they emailed me for the interview, and I got accepted yay. I was hired in the information booth, where people would ask you tons of questions and you have to answer them all and you can't say that you don't know, yeah. It was quite hectic, but I really honestly truthfully enjoyed it.

I met so many funny people from all over Indonesia, and they were all crazy and they were all so fun to work with and to hang out with. One thing I learned a lot from Java Jazz is that I'm actually able to predict what kind of people I'm facing to. Like when someone approached, I could actually guess the temperament they had or the things that they would do when they weren't satisfied with the answers, I could really predict that. It's awesome. 

I didn't have the chance to watch the Jazz performances, because I was tired as hell and my daddy would pick me up on time so yeah. It was a super great experience, I would give it a go again next year. There's not much to tell but so much to express. It's a really wonderful experience I couldn't imagine I would be so patient handling so many people from all over the world from indo-speaking to God-knows-what-speaking, I really couldn't believe I did it. Great work, promotion division! I hope I will see you all again next year.


SO, I finally got my photos exhibited! I joined a photography club at campus and we were be able to exhibit our photos in an exhibition. We actually arranged the exhibition; from deciding the theme to the set, we all arranged it. We chose the theme "Loneliness" because we wanted to show everyone about so many different point of views of being lonely. We wanted to show everybody that we have our own "nest" of being lonely. I exhibited 5 photos, and my cousins and my sister actually helped me doing the project, and I got some weird comments but I also got a few good comments and it was really satisfying. YAY!

Indonesia Fashion Week 2015

I want to share this unshared experience about Indonesia Fashion Week. I actually have attended this event 3 times, but I've never had the chance to write about it. The first IFW I attended was the one back in 2013, I attended Lenny Agustin's fashion show, and I met my friend, Even, at the venue. And IFW 2014, I went there with my eternal partner in events, she's my friend, Qya. And this year's IFW I went there with my friends Patricia and Monica.

People sometimes wonder where I got the invitations for various events from movie screening and fashion show, and gallery opening, the answer is, just look it up online. I got my ID for Indonesia Fashion Week by participating Sunday Dress Up. So it's like, the uh, the fashion parade campaign kind of thing. So Patricia and Monica joined the campaign also, so they got their own IDs.  

Anyways, Monica ditched early, so she missed the most amazing fashion show I've ever seen. It was Aura Putri and Anne Avantie's fashion show. well in their section, there were 2 fashion shows though, I mean they showed their collection separately, but they're in the same section. So yeah it's the best fashion show package ever. 
So many people attended. I didn't get the chance to sit on the front row. So many important people came; from designers, bloggers, so many people. Honestly, I wasn't excited because it was about Indonesia's modernized-traditional collections.. and I've never been a fan of Indonesia's traditional clothes. But the moment I saw the collections, I was like shit, this thing will freak the shit out of Chanel and Versace. They were really great! The way the models brought the collections, and music, lighting, everything, is wow. They even hired this theatrical singer! It was very luxurious, very stunning. I enjoyed it. And I'm like super proud of Kebaya because it's really that awesome.


Akhirnya aku rindu,
Rindu cinta,
Di saat cinta memiliki arti,
Tanpa harus mencari,
Tanpa harus bertanya,
Cukup sudah cinta ada,
Kala diri merasa

Akhirnya aku rindu,
Rindu rumah,
Di mana letak tak berpindah
Lantai tak berdebu,
Daun tak bergugur,
Rindu rumah,
Di mana aku tak harus kembali,
Di mana aku tak harus pergi
Rumah yang tetap di sana,
Terdiam menanti

Akhirnya aku rindu,
Rindu akan tulisan,
Tanpa harus bercerita,
Tanpa harus merayu inspirasi,
Tanpa harus memalsu,
Tanpa harus menghapus lagi,
Aku rindu