Good morning, everyone! What a productive Sunday I had. On Sunday, March 4 2018, I joined a women's march in Bandung. I've never labeled myself as a feminist, but there are certain issues that threaten me as a woman. Despite all of those gender equality issues which I barely understand, there are little ones that I've experienced before or that some people around me have experienced before: Catcalling and Bossy Husband.

Living in a strictly-censored society sometimes makes people think that women are their objects: for sex, for slavery, for their jerking off session, basically for their dick. Some think that women are "destined" to feel inferior at some point, because they feel like we're not strong enough. That's why, I guess, this is my assumption that we are often being catcalled. Before we get too far, I want to let you know that I am against catcalling towards men and women because it makes us feel uncomfortable, like emotionally harassed. Some people do it out of boredom, some people do it for jokes, some people do it because they did get a positive respond. But I think, some people need to position themselves as the victim.
FPI: Forum Peminis Indonesia -- a mock to FPI: Front Pembela Islam |
Yes, please! |
"Nice ass!" you said, and start looking at us so hungrily, like a predator hunting their prey. The look, the tone, is very intimidating, like I get so scared everytime I am being catcalled. It felt like, my fear towards him actually managed to transfer more energy towards him. This is when I felt like they actually liked it when we feared them.
"Throw your dirty mind to the trash bin!" |
I'm pretty sure, girls will respond if you say "good morning!" or "have a nice day!" or "good luck with work/school today", in a loving way. You know, it's just basic common sense, for fuck's sake.
Me and my friend, Abet during the march. She's against double standards. |
"I don't want to marry someone, yet. I want to go to school"-- responding forced marriage towards young women |
Another thing that I'm so concern about is Indonesian Marriage. When I was young, I was accustomed to do the housework like mopping the floor, washing the dishes, doing laundry, etc while my brother wasn't. I am not jealous of him because it's a piece of cake job, but I'm just sooo afraid of having a husband who isn't accustomed to do the housework, or at least feel like he doesn't have to fo it because he's the man.
Me and my friend, Ilham with our posters |
"Catcall isn't a compliment" |
There are a lot of epitomes that were told to me. Some husbands did become so bossy, they wouldn't even help their wives with the housework, some of them even forbid them to get a job, or start a career, some even forbid them to not visit her family. I mean, what the fuck? since when my life turned to be his life? Through this women's march, I told those women whom I met on the streets. "Don't let your husband boss you around." -- "Jangan mau disuruh-suruh suami."
A house will be so much fun when two people living and taking care of it together. The point is to help out each other, not to be your husband/ your wife's servant. I mean, this is 2018. How much emancipation do we need to gain full control of ourselves?
The Three of us during the march. I look so tan. lol |
Although my petitions during women's march aren't really big issues, but I guess I managed to give my opinion. I mean, I'm so apathetic as fuck, but I know and I can feel what it's like to feel this inferiority. So I guess, I just had to speak up.
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