Sunday, June 23, 2013


I watched my sister graduating from elementary school on Friday. The students seemed so smart, so planned, so having bright future ahead. But then I realized that some of them would end up just like me. I was one of the best student in kindergarten, and elementary. I got accepted in one of the best public middle school in Indonesia, starting the first 2 years so great, and then I messed up my third year, and now here I am, in a social faculty, in this ugly public high school, being so clueless about my future, being so hopeless of getting accepted in one of the most wanted university. When I take a second to glance at my past, at my elementary years, I would find that little me, really invincible, really happy, really ready to make plan b, c, d, e, etc. Now I look at me, in my own thoughts. I see a loser, an unconscious dreamer who doesn't want to wake up. Who is just, a failure that mortifies anything and anyone around her.

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